Sunday, May 24, 2009

How to cook on Bedrest, also, how not to do the Farmer's Market

So I'm on modified bed rest, which completely stinks to high heaven. I'm probably going to go to Dinner Zen to make 24 freezer meals in 2 hours, which will not involve doing any chopping of anything or prep work other than dumping stuff into ziploc bags. (Supposedly you can make 12 meals for 6 people in 2 hours, and you can split them into 2 if you're a smaller family, which we are, so that's 24 meals for 3 in 2 hours. That's doable.) I'm kind of under orders to not do any house work, etc., and with my husband gone for the next week, that's going to be an issue. I'd really love to do Dinner Zen before he leaves, but I'm too late to get in this weekend. Next week is going to be hard. I'm thinking we'll be eating a lot of pasta.

On another note, if you hit the Reston Farmer's Market at 11:00 AM, most of the vendors will be out of the good stuff. We did manage to get a box of strawberries and some spring onions, and the jam lady had some amazing spice mixes so we took her up on one of those (as well as a jar of blueberry jam). Also, we got a dozen eggs from Potomac Vegetable Farm; we'll start our CSA share from them in another week, so this is our last week buying eggs at the market. Other than that, though, most of the good stuff was gone. 

Oh by the way, the jam lady is awesome. Last week when we were so short on cash, I ended up two dollars short to get a small jar of strawberry jam (not even a big one! Gosh we were broke last week). She let me take a large jar and pay her this week. I was so grateful. 

Anyway. We got there so late because I have a prenatal yoga class in the morning at 9:15. So in the future, I guess we'll have to get up early and hit the market before my class. Oh the horror! The good news is that with our farm share, we'll mostly be looking for fruit, meat, and cheese in the coming weeks. Vegetables and eggs will be taken care of through the CSA. 

Speaking of the CSA, we got our instructions for picking up our shares! Apparently I will have to walk either up or down a hill from the car, which is going to be an issue. I may end up having to send the husband to pick up the shares on the way home from work. It's a shame, because I wanted to take the kiddo to see the farm, but I just can't do all that walking. 

It's going to be an interesting 12 weeks.

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